Friday, March 30, 2012

overnight at charles de gualle airport hotel. any sites?

We are transiting through Paris. Will arrive 11:30 am and depart next day at 10:50 am. Staying at airport hotel. Pretty much only have afternoon and evening available. Have visted Paris before. Wud appreciate advice on whether to go into the city, or anything in terms of good restuarants/sites in the area around the airport?


I suppose after baggage claim and customs, you wouldn%26#39;t be able to check into your hotel before 12:30 at least - but you still have enough time to get into the city.

I would allow 35-45 minutes for a taxi or RER into the city. I don%26#39;t really think there%26#39;s much to do around the airport (but I could be wrong).

So you could concievably get into the city by 2:00-2:30 PM - see a few sites, relax in a cafe, have dinner and catch a taxi back to your hotel in time to get some sleep before your flight the next day.

I%26#39;d go into the city, even for an afternoon/evening - I would never waste a chance to spend time in Paris!

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