Friday, March 30, 2012

Avoiding lines at the Louvre

I read somewhere(but forgot to save it) where to enter the Louvre to avoid the longer lines. We will be there the second week of june.


Chesapeake Bay House


There really are no long lines at the Louvre, as there are so many entrances now. If you see what appears to be a long line at the Pyramid entrance, that%26#39;s the line for security. Actually, there are two lines - one for those with bags (long) and one for those without bags (short), and the line moves very quickly. Tickets are purchased once you%26#39;re inside.

There%26#39;s a diagram on the Louvre website with the many entrances.

The problem is more crowds once inside. For whatever reason, we%26#39;ve always had very good luck visiting on Wednesdays just after lunch - perhaps because the morning crowds have thinned and those choosing Wednesday for later closing haven%26#39;t yet arrived.


Thanks ..that is very helpful.

Chesapeake Bay House


The Carrousel entrance is often mentioned as an one that doesn%26#39;t have lines (if you search for it, you%26#39;ll see some recent trip reports where the folks used it). When at the Louvre on this past busy Easter Sunday, we used the Pyramid entrance. The security line was long, but moved quickly; the ticket lines though, were really, really long. Luckily, we had Museum Passes, so we could go right in.


You can also use the automatic ticket machines. You can select English and use cash or an American credit card. We%26#39;ve never had a problem finding an available ticket machine.



I am not sure the museum pass works for us , but thanks for the info.


thanks, I didn%26#39;t know about the automated ticket machines. I wlil look for them inside the museum.

Thanks again.

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