Sunday, April 15, 2012

Budget Advice Please :)

Hello! My husband and I, along with another couple, will be traveling to the lovely city of Paris in the beginning of September. I have never been to Europe before so I am a little uneasy about trying to plan my food budget (especially with the dollar sinking to the Euro like it is). We are not %26quot;foodies%26quot; by any means but definitely enjoy good food and drink. I really want to enjoy my idea of basic French food (i.e., oysters, creme brulee, frites, onion soup, cassoulet . . . Please excuse my horrendous spelling, I%26#39;m trying to learn some French before we go, I promise!) We are not opposed to eating a picnic for lunch every day and saving our money for dinner. I was thinking that 10 Euro (per person) for breakfast, 20 for lunch and 40 for dinner would be sufficient. We will only be in Paris for 2 nights before we move on to Italy (1 Night in Cinque Terre, 3 in Impruneta/Tuscany and 4 in Rome, advice on these cities would be helpful also). Any suggestions/comments would be helpful. Is my budget realistic? Could we possibly eat well for less? Also, I%26#39;m aware of %26quot;Rue Moffetard%26quot; as a great market/picnic supply street, any other recommendations? Who know when I will return to Paris, I know I%26#39;m going to fall in love with it so I really want to make the most of my time. We%26#39;ve got a loose itinerary planned already so I am really just trying to finalize my budget and need some helpful advice! Merci!


No need to feel uneasy about your food budget in Paris. You will see so many affordable options, and with only 2 days I would suggest you use your itinerary as your guide. If you know what area you will be in at lunch or dinner time, you can ask for specific recommendations in your price range near by.


Goodnews Jcolo, hardly anyone in Paris eats a big breakfast. Fewer still eat breakfast, a full lunch and a complete dinner - so I think your overall per person food budget is very generous and should allow you to dine well - an element in any Paris visit.

Personally I like to find restaurants of at least moderately good standing for dinner, maybe a quick omelette and salade for lunch at a nearby café or un sandwich mixt (hand and cheese) at some counter, and down a café and croissant for breakfast (avoid the over-priced petit déjeuner at the hotel).

As you tour the city, you really will not have the time for long lunches anyway. Make a couple of reservations for dinner, your other meals will probably be more %26quot;eat at the opportune time%26quot;.

You may be interested in %26quot;Sarastro’s 13 lucky rules for dinning in Paris%26quot;:


Your budget will allow you to eat wonderfully well in Paris. I think you should re-arrange those figures a little tho. A breakfast should cost you no more than 5 euros. A croissant, tartine or yogurt from the supermarket and a coffee.

Lunch can be had for well under 10 euros. This lets you add a bit to your dinner budget which you may find more enjoyable anyway. Who wants to drink wine with lunch and be sluggish all afternoon anyway? For lunch, grab a mini quiche, sandwich or crepe on the go. A bottle of water and you have a great, inexpensive lunch. The sandwiches and quiches in Paris boulangeries are just wonderful. Probably very different from what you think a sandwich is. But delicious nonetheless.

PS. Cinque Terre is just beautiful. Happy travels!


Thank you all for your helpful advice! I feel much more at ease now and can%26#39;t wait to experience Paris.

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