Thursday, April 19, 2012

Chanel type fabric

I will be in Paris in Sept and will be looking for fabrics to sew clothes for myself.

I would love to make some Chanel looking dresses and jackets.

Any suggestions as to where I can buy this fabric in Paris. We will be staying close to the Champs Elysee.



There are loads of fabric shops up near Montmartre. Don%26#39;t know about Chanel type materials, but they seemed to have all sorts from outside. I think they are around Chateau Rogue, but I am not certain of that (sure somebody else will pick up on this now - hopefully!).


Are you talking about the tweedy looking fabric used for the very expensive women suits? it is custom made and you can%26#39;t find it anywhere. But with a lot of patience you can find something a bit similar..

the metro stop noted in the previous post is Chateau Rouge. In le Marais district there are lots of clothing and costume jewelry wholesalers. They don%26#39;t sell to a customer who only want one item but can point you in the right direction. If you look desperate enough they might even sell you something. that area is called Le and is roughly between rue St Martin and rue du Temple, North of rue Rambuteau


This is the information I have in Paris %26quot;research!%26quot;

18th Fabric stores: Dreyfus %26amp; Tissus Reine - 5 Place St. Pierre -

Toto Tissus - 49 blvd. Barbes


Dreyfus department store - Marche/Place St. Pierre - ALSO: Moline Tissus and Tissus Reine @ Place St. Pierre (to your left as you come down the steps from Sacre Coeur around the Marche de St. Pierre) (Place Saint-Pierre is an entire area concentrated on fabric, trim, etc., etc.?) What about Blvd. Rochechouart in same area?

Mercerie Moline or Moline Tissus?

Discount fabrics at Marche St.-Pierre - 2 Rue Charles Nodier (in Montmartre - 18th)

Enjoy! These are on my list next trip! Good luck!

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