Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bertillon and Laudree (macaroons) gluten free?

Hello. We are going to be going to Paris this summer, I am celiac (cannot eat Gluten/wheat). I have a bit of a sweet tooth. We are going to be staying very near Bertillon and would like to go to Laudree, as I%26#39;ve heard the macaroons are generally gluten free. However, I speak absolutely no french. I was wondering if I could find out some info in advance. Does anyone know which favors of Ice Creams are gluten-free at Bertillons and which macaroons are gluten-free at Laudree (or at...isn%26#39;t there supposed to be some other great place to get Macaroons. I had it written down and can%26#39;t seem to find it.) OR...does anyone know an ingredients list anywhere? I%26#39;ve gone to both websites and am not having any luck myself. Any help would be very, very appreciated!! Thanks in advance.


Oops. Correction on the spelling: Laduree!


Here%26#39;s a blog that may help you as it mentions

Laduree and lots of other good tips for avoiding gluten in Paris


You can find good macarons at many patisseries in Paris, although Ladurée has a huge selection. Since the basic cookie is made with just egg white and sugar, gluten shouldn%26#39;t be a problem unless there is some in the filling. Check the fodor web site for recipes; there%26#39;s a lengthy thread on the subject.


I cannot offer any expert advice, except that

Berthillion ice cream is supposed to be fresh homemade stuff, no gelatins or thickners.... so should be gluten free. Have you looked up their website?


and for the benefit of your trip, at least learn the pleasantries (hello, goodbye, please, thank you, excuse me, I%26#39;m sorry) in will make everything a little easier.

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