Thursday, April 12, 2012

best route Boulogne or Calais to Chambord

Hi just trying to finally book ferry from Dover which would be the best rout to Chambord - boulogne or calais


Its a couple minutes difference in driving time, so in the overall scheme of things it doesn%26#39;t really matter. Youre talking about a 5 hour trip by car from whatever port you enter by


There are eight Chambords in France - which one?


%26lt;%26lt;There are eight Chambords in France - which one?%26gt;%26gt;

Within the context of the Loire Valley forum in which we currently find ourselves, there is really only one Chambord - that old hunting lodge just east of Blois.


Calais Ferryport IMHO is easier to get out of.

Our experience of P%26amp;O ferries is great - if you miss one or are early for one, provided there is space, they will put you on the next available one without charge. Important if you are driving through the UK.


apologies everyone i not an expert on france i would need to read up i was talking about chombard loire valley near blois. thanks for all your comments and apologies for my ignorance again



Interesting you should say that - of all the ferry companies, P%26amp;O is the one I would - noisy dirty and cramped, I found them.

Getting out of Boulogne isn%26#39;t all that difficult - just follow the road...

As a note, all the map site take you through Paris. For peace of mind (if a slightly longer trip) go through Rouen, cut down to Chartres, and from there to Blois. Much more pleasant a trip


oops - missed out the word avoid :)

P%26amp;O - dont like me basically!

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