Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sunday or Monday in Marseilles

we would like to visit Marseilles when we are in Provence for a week in July. The only days that may work for us are a Sunday or Monday and from what I%26#39;ve read it seems that museums are closed on Mondays and most everything is closed Sundays. Is there much open either day in the old port area and which day would be better to visit? We visited Genoa on a Sunday a few years ago and the old port area was really empty, although we enjoyed wandering the little streets and lanes. Just checking how Marseilles would be on a summer Sunday or Monday.

thanks so much.





Shops of course will be closed for the most part since the French law forbids opening on Sunday except for tourist areas (that%26#39;s hazy so a bit hit or miss for Marseille I would say mostly all closed). Most restaurants will be closed as well. However answering another post I found this one that seems quite interesting serving Sunday Brunch and also dinner on a teak deck around a pool, modern art expositions: Seems %26quot;branche%26quot; (trendy) and one of very few places open so I would definitely make reservationsin advance.

Notre Dame de la Garde will be open to visit:

Abbaye Saint Victor as well 9am to 9pm.

You can visit the Chateau d%26#39;If, les Iles du Frioul or even the Calanques from boats departing from the Vieux port, Sundays too.

It will be calm, but still plenty to see and do!

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